Sandplay and Sand Tray therapy modalities assist clients of all ages (children, adolescents, adults, families) in bridging their inner world of emotions to their outer worlds of experience and awareness.
Clients select the objects such that they are able to create a narrative or scene in the the sand.
The therapist witnesses the building of the tray, the sharing of the creative energy and the unfolding of the deeper meaning the client has discovered in these symbolic representations.
The hemispheres of the brain work towards integrating the creativity of the sand work as well as the deeper meaning of its revelations emerge.
Sand tray or sand play evokes a natural, self-healing, meditative experience such that whole person is engaged in discovery of their authentic self, awakening oftentimes to solutions, insights, somatic awareness, mood stabilization, positive changes in relationships, reduced anxiety and tension, expansion of creativity, and greater self-awareness.
You are able to feel a connection to playfulness, creativity, knowing your path better. You are not alone then, your heart is open, and you are again a child.